Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How-to steps for e-portfolios

How-to steps for creating a personal e-portfolio for ADOL 576.

1. Go to to check an email invitation sent by Dr. T which you are invited to be co-authors for your personal e-portfolio for this class.

2. After logging your Gmail account, you will see a mail with subject “You have been invited to contribute to Jerry T.'s blog”.

3. Click the website (the long URL) on the invitation.

4. Log in to your Gmail username and password, and then click “accept invitation.”

5. You will be led to your personal e-portfolio at xxxxxx is your first name.

6. Click “new post.”

7. In the Title line, type the name of your post that you are going to copy and paste, e.g. “Autobiographical Sketch.” If you were going to post (copy and paste) chapter one discussion question you would title it “Chapter One Discussion Question One” (or the topic we gave that discussion question, etc. To start to post your autobiography onto a personal e-portfolio, you would minimize this blog page, go to your blackboard autobiography and copy and paste to this blog site….. After you have “pasted” then click on “publish post.” (You do not have to create a label for you posting.)

If you have any questions on the steps of logging in e-portfolio, please leave your message on the class blog.


The e-portfolios are only for ADOL 576 members to view. Below are the steps to join the membership to view peers’ e-portfolios. Please keep in mind that other people will not have access to your e-portfolio except for the students in ADOL 576. We are a learning community for membership only.

1. Enter your Gmail account, you will receive an email from Dr. T with subject “You have been invited to view Jerry T.'s blog”.

2. Click the URL from the email.

3. Keyin your password for Gmail account.

4. Click “accept invitation.”

5. Click “view blog.”

6. You will see all the e-portfolios from other classmates in ADOL 576.

7. Don’t tell anyone who is not taking ADOL 576 about your classmates’ e-portfolios.


  1. I still haven't been invited and I'm unable to read anyone project or post my own.

  2. Hui-wen - can you please check my e-portfolio to ensure that it is complete? I just want to ensure that I have fulfilled the requirements. :)

    Elin K.

  3. Elin,

    Wow! Your e-portfolio is great! You have completed the requirements for this course so far.

    At your autobiography, could you add your picture on the posting? You may go to my e-portfolio example to take a look.

    Hope you enjoy this busy online course! :)


  4. I added a photo to the autobiography. Now that I know how, I'll also add the graphic of proxemics that I found to my paper. It's in the original, but didn't make the cut and paste. :)

    Elin K.

  5. I have to go into edit posts each time for my blog to show posts, so I'm not sure what anyone else sees. I haven't been invited to your blog Jerry. Brenda

  6. To: Brenda

    I think you added your postings to the different e-portfolio which is not set by me. Please log in your Gmail account to accept Dr. T's invitation email. You will be guided to

    That's your e-portfolio I set and that portfolio will be read by the members of ADOL 576.

    If you have any questions, let me know.

    Enjoy your weekend!


  7. I plugged in that email address (which is the same as my name listed on the right side of this blog, which is fortunately where I posted everything. :)

    I apologize for having to go back and to a voice over again after doing a narration directly from PowerPoint - my fault for not seeing the directions. :) But I did it and even got it added to my blog as well as having on voicethread site.

  8. Brenda,

    It seems that your voice-over link is wrong. It shows other person's presentation, not yours. You may make a correct link on your e-portfolio. :-)

    BTW, I like the pictures you posted for every posting. I can tell that you must spend a lot of time selecting them. Right?! You don't sleep in addition to work and study, do you? :D


  9. Sherry,
    I just finished your presentation. Great job! I liked your Cadet Pelosi example. I'm not sure I could live a year in silence! The emotion silence evokes was also very intriguing. I have witnessed it as both good and bad in various situations. In healthcare, I have found attentive silence to be very useful for interviewing patients who are upset. It is also useful in education in similar situations.
    The cultural and “power” differences were interesting as well. It is easy to see how folks can be misinterpreted even when they agree. Finally, it’s fascinating the need we often have to be connected and how the “spiral of silence” can be detrimental. Thanks for a great presentation. I learned a lot!

  10. Hui-wen,
    I noticed something curious. If you copy and paste in, my powerpoint will come up; but if you click on the link on my blog it will take you to someone else. I posted another link that came up on VoiceThread. Hope that helps.

    Gotta love the idea that the later you stay up at night the more technology acts like a child needing to go to bed...all cranky and stubborn. Laf.

  11. Could Dr. T please check my portfolio to make sure I have everything. I think I do, but want to make sure. I've also looked at some of your portfolios and they are great.

  12. Hi Hui-Wen, Dr. T
    Do I still need to do any thing more in my e-portfolio. I'm not sure if I missed something.
    thank you and have great time all:)

  13. I enjoyed the voice-over PowerPoint presentations. I had tried to do a voice-over several years ago with PowerPoint, but was never satisfied with it. The online facility on seems to do the trick. I enjoyed seeing and listening to several presentations, particularly Donna's, Elin's, David W's, and Sherry's. These were all excellent presentations, and good papers. I've enjoyed being involved in such an active class.
    Bill Mincks

  14. Hi Ahmed,

    Your e-portfolio does make impressive sharings in ADOL 576. It's an awesome artifact to show your learning process this semester.

    One thing I would like to suggest is: Could you upload your personal picture on your autobiography sketch? You may view my e-portfolio example.

    Also, I like the way you demonstrated on your voice-over. I learn a lot from it, especially the presentation style. I think someboy already answered your question on your e-portfolio. What an interesting presentation way!!

    Take care!


  15. Hi Hui-Wen,
    Thank you for your compliment words and support. this class added a lot of knowledge and experience to me. the instructors and the students were great team working in great learning environment.I uploaded my picture to my autobiography sketch, thank you for the advice.

  16. To Catrina: Please check my powerpoint presentation at the top of our blog (or visit and follow them again.

    I think item 15 indicates for you to "click on" share. Maybe you didn't do that, and that is why none of us can view your voice-over.

  17. Hui-Wen,

    I set up a blog at the beginning of class,

    I downloaded my eportfolio to this blog. Will this work OK? It is different location than the portfolio blog set up for me.

  18. Marie,

    That's fine for you to use that blog.

    Originally, I created a unique web site for the e-portfolio in order to make good classroom management in the class. For example, if you have any questions on how to copy and paste the posting from Blackboard, Dr. T and I can give solutions to it at the e-portfolio. It seems that you did a good job on your self-created blog. :)

    I saw you are the co-author for the e-portfolio at
    If you want to, you just copy and paste all the posting from your site to the above site.

    Take care!

