Friday, April 17, 2009

Project Paper Topics: 3/5/09

Catrina Chapple: Personal Communication/Deep Survival

Debbie Wassmuth: Effective Listening Vs Ineffective Listening

Roberta Lefler: Communication Styles of Men and Women

Becky Brown: Nonverbal Communication

Dave Bochman: Interpersonal Communications and Transformational Learning

Elin Kovash: Proxemics

Gordy Kokx: Significance of Nonverbal Touch in the Health Care Setting

Brenda Kotewa: Cultural Display Rules and Expressing Emotions

Sherry Simkins: Silence

Donna Blakley: Communication in the Organizational Change Process

David Wood: Environmental Communications

Susan Fernau: Emotional Intelligence According to Daniel Goldman

Ryan Jund: Social Networking and Its Impact on Communication

Marie Price: Trust in Communication

Cindy Houck: Workplace Stress and Its Effect on the Workplace

John Schaefer: Teen Communication: Text, Twitter, My Space, etc.

Debbie Caudle: Arousal Level of Listening

Bill Mincks: Johari Window and interpersonal Relationships

Rachel Bruner: Siblings and Communications or Birth Order and Effects on Communication

Alex Beal: Conflict Resolution

Janice Ramirez: Minimal Daters

Courtney Hill: Uses of Communication to Establish a Learner Centered Environment.

Cheree Braase: Crucial Conversation: What Are They and How Do We Do Them Effectively.

Jonathan Liu: Culture Shock and Communication

Jennifer Ramsrud: Relationship Maintenance

Rachel Brunner: Siblings and Intimacy

Jenifer Womack: Alternative Communication for People with Disabilities

Chesley Barnes: Comparison of Ancient and Modern Forms of Communications for International Trade/relations.


  1. Hi this is Alex Beal. I want to do my topic on conflict resolution. Later. P.S. I am wondering when the paper is due.

  2. Alex, it is due April 13th. It is noted on the class calendar. But I realize that may be something not everyone looks at. Thanks for the tip, and I will make it more clear in my upcoming class notes. Have a nice weekend.

  3. The topic for my paper is going to be minimal daters. Janice Ramirez

  4. I would like to do my paper on Crucial Conversatios (i.e. what are they and how do we do them effectively?). Cheree Braase

  5. I did my paper on the book Deep Survival. I hope this works thanks.

  6. I can listen to my PowerPoint and it sounds ok, but then I just tried it and some of the slides don't have my voice to them so who knows what happened.
