Monday, February 2, 2009

Video Presentation for Chapter 4 -1

Please go to to download or print out the PPT slides.

After viewing Dr. Tuchscherer's presentation, please click the "comments" button to leave your thoughts on the blog. Dr. T will be delighted to "hear" them about his video presentation.

~Hui-Wen ^_^


  1. There are so many ways to present information. I think you experiment went great except that I couldn't make the picture bigger to read the PowerPoint slides.

    So, I liked the desk cam better in terms of feeling that I have your "undivided" attention! And I like the PowerPoint slides so I don't drive my family crazy, and I can zip through them to see if I missed anything in my notes. But, I also like this experiment for the personal touch it offers.

  2. Brenda,

    You can download the PPT slides from Learning Moduel Three on Blackboard.

    I will upload them to the class blog too.

    Wow! You got the first one to leave the message. :D


  3. The videos in blackboard were choppy. I didn't have that problem with the video in the blog. I also agree with Brenda that the desk cam gives a more personal feel.

  4. Hi Dr. T.,

    I just finsihed watching the videos.
    My own personal opinion is they were a lot of fun!

    It was great to be able to see your facial expressions and the use of your hands. Especially for this chapter, it was great.

    I did not experience the choppiness that Dave did. Perhaps it's a bandwidth issue?

    I am curious how you produced it. Was it filmed using a digital video camera? How did you stream it? Did you use Windows Media or another program to capture it?

    (I do a fair amount of online delivery in my classes and I am always interested in how others deliver theirs).



  5. Gordy, thanks for the comments. Yes, I think you are correct about David experiencing "choppiness." I think it has to do with bandwidth and the internet connection speed.

    Hui-Wen and I used a digital camcorder and then used a program called PowerDirector to convert it to our flash drive. We then had it put onto our university server. From there we put it on Blackboard. I suspect we could have done this all by using one of our professional labs on campus, but we did not want to go through all the scheduling of it, etc. Since I was not one to do much practicing, I wanted to do it as quickly and hopefully somewhat effectively as possible.

  6. Thanks, Dr. T.

    I will check into the PowerDirector.
    I appreciate the advice!


  7. The teaching is great!

    This is one of the teaching activities that I plan to do in the near future.

    Good luck!

  8. Dr. T,

    I enjoyed watching your video and your nonverbal communication. I liked that you had the PPT slides on this blog posted underneath the video, so we could follow along with the slides while watching the video. The slides in the video were hard to read.

    Having different shots, like close ups, panoramic, then views of the powerpoint, was helpful in providing some variety to the video. The only thing I found distracting was when you look back at the slides while speaking. I wonder if you could have a copy of the slides in front of you...kind of like the weatherman on TV? :)

  9. Hello Dr. T,
    I really enjoyed the videos; they helped to reinforce the content and it was great to have the "next best thing" to being in a live classroom environment.
