Thursday, February 19, 2009

February 18th Class Notes

February 18th notes to class:

Just a few notes again, per reminders and clarifications… I appreciate the questions you have asked and the points of clarification that you have sent. Of course, I am sure you have seen I have uploaded Learning Module Four now. It is due Monday, March 2nd. Wow, has the semester gone fast so far!!

1. First let me say again--great job with our discussions per Learning Module Three. I Think I have shared this quote with some of you during my responses:

“Much have I learned from my teachers, more from my colleagues, but most from my students.”


2. I can tell many of you are enjoying reading and responding to our discussion posts and I do not want to discourage our conversations, but a couple of you mentioned that you were worried that you had to respond to everyone. That is not the case…. You need to respond to only one person per question (minimum). I hope saying that doesn’t in anyway discourage responding…I think our discussions have been “rich, supportive, and a pleasure to read.”

3. E-portfolio-explanation: If you have noticed in our Announcement tab in Blackboard per assignments, I have made mention of creating an e-portfolio. The purpose of that is to “assemble” all you assignments in one place (Autobiographical Sketch, discussion posts (not replies) your project paper, and reflection). Hui-Wen and I will share with you how to do that in a few days. It is not difficult J

4. Paper/project assignment discussion: Now that you have “gotten into” the text, I am sure it has spurned some interest about some specific topics you might want enlarge upon for you research paper (please read again about the research paper in our announcement icon in blackboard). Let me know what topic you intend to do your paper on. First come, first serve-- per paper topics. I don’t what to duplicate topics.

5. We can’t read them all: I know many of you have “read ahead in our text” and that is just fine, as I often do the same when a particular chapter or section peaks my interest. However, I know our semester is not long enough to address every chapter. The chapters I will not assign in our learning Modules are: Chapters 8, 11, 14, & 15. Not that they are any less important than the other chapters, I feel that if there are any chapters that might be more specific to individual interests rather than our class in general, those would be the ones. If you, like you might choose from topics in those chapters to do some research on for your individual papers.


  1. Can't seem to find the icon in the announcement tab regarding research papars. Is there a list of topics or something? Sorry! Brenda

  2. Wow, I hadn't noticed my post above came out so bad.... Brenda, go to our Blackboard site. Then in the left navigation bar there is a tab "announcements". Scroll down--I think it is the third announcement from the top labeled "assignments. Let me know if you found it. JT

  3. Jerry,
    I see! I'm thinking about the idea of cultural display rules and expressing emotions?

  4. Dr. T,

    Will there be a list of research topics posted, so we will know which topics have already been taken?
